Written Resources
A Simple Schedule for Reading the Bible in a Year
This pamphlet is designed to aid those who want to read through the Bible sequentially over the course of a year. The schedule requires reading 3.8 chapters of the Bible a day (15-30 minutes of reading), six days a week. It is thoughtfully conceived, progressing through single books at a time, usually following the organization of our English Bibles.
A Biblical Approach to Glorifying God with Our Money
People often ask questions about giving to the church: Are Christians obligated to tithe? How can I please God with my paycheck? What does the Bible teach about my finances? Click here to read a pamphlet discussing the teachings of the Bible on how we can glorify God with our money.
Note: These pamphlets are intended to be printed on both sides of a single piece of paper and then folded so that they make a tri-fold pamphlet.